Wednesday 18 July 2012

robotics end of summer thing

If you do not know, I go to a club called LEGO Robotics which is a group of people trying to build a robot for First LEGO League.  FLL run a competition with LEGO robots where you have to do certain tasks to earn points

I have been going for about a year now and it is held in Swindon on a Thursday.  Around 8 or 9 people go to robotics.  We use NXTG which is the default software that the NXT comes with, what we do is we write some code and install it on to the robot, if that code does not work we change it a bit and try again, we then keep doing that process until the code works.

The competition happens every year with a different theme.  This year was food factor, next year is helping the elderly people and the previous year was medical stuff.  You need to put the themed mat on a special table and that's where the robot carries out the tasks.

While we're not programming and stuff we just sit on the sofa, eat our lunch and have a laugh.  If we have the guts we sometimes challenge Aidan (lead programmer) to a game of SSBB which always ends in tears.  A lot of the people who go there are in my Skype list.

The first time I went to robotics I wasn't very keen on the idea, but when I got there I found out straight away a lot of people like minecraft and so naturally I felt right at home.

The reason I'm posting this is because tomorrow is the last day in Swindon and the last time we meet until September, so were having a bit of a party with chocolate and pizzas.

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