Friday 20 July 2012

computer club

I go to a club on Saturdays at the Museum of Computing in Swindon and I have been going for nearly 2 years.  It is a club for young people who like computers and we do a lot of programming.  We use a program called Scratch which is a programming system that lets you make games and other stuff.

The most recent thing we did is multi player games using IP addresses to connect to each other.  This Saturday I am bringing in my Raspberry pi for someone to help me with.

I like going to computer club because I have made a few friends and there are a lot of interesting things you can do there.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

robotics end of summer thing

If you do not know, I go to a club called LEGO Robotics which is a group of people trying to build a robot for First LEGO League.  FLL run a competition with LEGO robots where you have to do certain tasks to earn points

I have been going for about a year now and it is held in Swindon on a Thursday.  Around 8 or 9 people go to robotics.  We use NXTG which is the default software that the NXT comes with, what we do is we write some code and install it on to the robot, if that code does not work we change it a bit and try again, we then keep doing that process until the code works.

The competition happens every year with a different theme.  This year was food factor, next year is helping the elderly people and the previous year was medical stuff.  You need to put the themed mat on a special table and that's where the robot carries out the tasks.

While we're not programming and stuff we just sit on the sofa, eat our lunch and have a laugh.  If we have the guts we sometimes challenge Aidan (lead programmer) to a game of SSBB which always ends in tears.  A lot of the people who go there are in my Skype list.

The first time I went to robotics I wasn't very keen on the idea, but when I got there I found out straight away a lot of people like minecraft and so naturally I felt right at home.

The reason I'm posting this is because tomorrow is the last day in Swindon and the last time we meet until September, so were having a bit of a party with chocolate and pizzas.

Friday 13 July 2012

Olympic torch

these photos were taken on a 3DS so they may be a bit low quality.

Yesterday I went to the Olympic torch relay in Salisbury.  We got up early and set off and it was a really nice day.  When we got there we found the coke truck.  In front of it there was the bus with the torch holders in it and behind the coke truck was the Samsung lorry.  Then music started playing from the coke truck and everyone in the truck got out and did exercises and the torch holders joined in!

They then got back into the truck and started moving, but just after they passed us they started giving away cola.  I ran after the truck and eventually I got a coke.  This one was coke zero Olympics edition which is good because I already have a coke regular Olympics edition bottle from the last time I saw the torch.  Then the police came on motorbikes and with their lights flashing to make sure the road was clear.  Then the torch holder came!

We found out later his name is Will Copp who enjoys wheelchair basketball, tennis, and downhill skiing.

Just after the torch holder left this coke car set off after them, we think the rest of the coke is in the trailer.  only problem was I forgot my crowbar!

Then we went to the park where I ate my breakfast and drank my coke, and after that we went back to the car and drove home.  On the radio they were talking about the Olympic flame going through Wiltshire.

To finish off here is a picture of me when we went to see the torch the first time in Trowbridge (we had to wait a bit longer for that) .

Thursday 12 July 2012

welcome to comic con!

We went to London film and comic con on Sunday.  We had a good time!

This is the third time I have been to London film and comic con and only this time have I been in a costume.  
Lots of people like my costume and a lot of people took pictures of me.  I did not see any other minecraft costumes but I did see:

  • People with Lego head
  • Jack Sparrow
  • Green Power Ranger(?)
  • Several Batmans
  • etc.
Also someone with a microphone came up to me and did interview but I don't know who they were doing it for yet

I also got a playing card with myself on it for free

I also got a lot of street passes on my 3DS

All in all, I had a really good time and I cant wait till next year! 

Thursday 5 July 2012

le France part 2

The second time we went to Disneyland we went to the studio area.

First we went on the studio tram tour which is a ride where they pretend to take you behind the scenes of  film sets.  

 I Liked the parts where water started gushing down at us and things caught fire.

There were also two shows called Animagique and CineMagique.  I didn't really like Animagique that much because it was just people in Disney character costumes singing songs and I found it babyish.  I preferred CineMagique because it was like a evolution of films kind of thing, it started off looking like just clips of old films but then somebody's phone started to ring, little did we know it was part of the story and so the guy with the phone and the cinema usher started having a chase scene.  He then just stood there talking on his phone and then the people on the film got a little ticked off at him and then they ended up transporting him INTO THE FILM.  Then he went though a whole variety of different film stages from Charlie Chaplin to Star Wars and it was very funny.

We also went to Art of Disney Animation.  In the first area it was stuff like the magic lantern thing.  The first proper film we saw was a bunch of clips from old animated films that were not just Disney, we then went to a second theatre where we saw Mushi from Mulan and learned how animated characters were developed.  we had special head phones to hear it in English.  

Then me and Rose went to the Rock 'n' Roller-coaster which is like your normal indoor roller-coaster but with POUNDING ROCK MUSIC PLAYING.

And at the end me and Rose went to the Toy Story area.

Monday 2 July 2012

le france

So in the past week we have been to France.

We stayed at this nice camp site near Paris.

The two best thing about it in my opinion were

  1. there is a nice cold pool which was good because it was mostly boiling hot outside
  2. there is a cafe/bar near our cabin and the pool with free wifi access, so I can just wander over there and use the internet there in my iPod.
While we were there we went to Disneyland twice.

When we went to Disneyland for the first time we went to the main park, and went on some of the rides.  My favourite rides were:
  • space mountain
  • thunder mountain
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
We also saw the parade and it was fun.  My only concern was WHO WAS THE BEAR?

Part 2 tomorrow!