Wednesday 5 September 2012

farewell to Nintendo gamer (Ngamer)

So recently my favourite magazine (unofficial) Nintendo Gamer has ended.

I found out by a letter sent to me informing that the magazine is being cancelled and giving me an option to transfer my sub to the (official) Nintendo Magazine.

I then remembered that they stopped putting free gifts with the issues at a certain point, it was obvious now.  I never noticed the lack of items until the previous issue, they used to give a game guide book at the very least.

I am kind of sad now I know the magazine is cancelled now but I'll get over it.  I have around 60 old issues to keep me going.  Its not that good of a collection as I missed one of the issues (this was before I had a subscription).

I got my first issue in 2008, at this time the magazine was called Ngamer.  It gave me ideas of what I did and did not want on my Christmas list and it was funny.  There was a top 50 of Wii games and Super Mario Galaxy was always first.

Most of the free gifts they put in the packet were really good like a 3DS case or fridge magnets something like that.  The only disappointing one was a free ice cube tray, it may not seem that bad but the thing was made of SOLID PLASTIC and it broke when we tried to get the ice out.  I also have a large collection of their game guide books that I mentioned earlier.

One of my favourite things about Ngamer is page 89.  Page 89 was a part of the magazine that was always different.  One time it was an art competition and another it was a remake of the 12 days of Christmas.  It was always different and we did not know what was coming.

Another thing I liked about Ngamer was the final gags they put on the last page.  In the first Ngamer I got  they put five last gags at the side of the last page and they were both silly and clever like the ocarina of time carrot.

Also when Wario Ware DIY was new they made a load of levels and put them on a few issues and put game play on their YouTube channel.  A couple of games were movie references and they were funny.

The final magazine that I got the other day was rather good and it had the odd review but it mostly focused about how long they have been going for, first being called Super Play to N64 magazine to NGC magazine to Ngamer then finally Nintendo Gamer.

(Official)Nintendo Magazine will be different but I think I will enjoy it just as much as Nintendo Gamer as I have read it before and it is good and so I will happily make the transition.

Nintendo Gamer was certainly a magazine worth subscribing to, with its humour and good reviews, and I will miss it.

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